Kehillat Ma'arav

1715 21st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 / (310) 829-0566

Endowment Campaign

Endowing Our Future Today

“…as my parents planted for me so do I plant for my children.” – Ta’anit 23a

Your support of the endowment fund will ensure that the important work of Kehillat Ma’arav will continue in perpetuity.

Current Gifts include the following:

Cash: A donor may support the campaign with a gift or pledge of cash; pledges are payable over a period of up to five years.

Gifts of Securities: Giving publicly traded appreciated securities offer donors tax advantages.  Not only can the donor deduct the full fair market value of the security; you can also avoid capital gains tax on the application.

Future (Legacy) Gifts include the following:

Bequests: You may name KM as a beneficiary of your will, either with a designated amount, a percentage, or as a recipient of funds after other beneficiaries have received their bequests.

Gifts of Life Insurance: You may support KM through a gift of life insurance.  You may either purchase a policy or give a policy you already own.  If you make KM the owner and beneficiary of the policy, the gift is deductible.

Gifts from Retirement Plans: Donors of any age can make a deferred gift of an IRA or other retirement account by naming KM as a beneficiary of the account at their death.

Charitable Trusts: A variety of trust arrangements are available that offer income and/or estate tax benefits.

To support the campaign, fill out a campaign pledge form and mail to KM or give online.

For a full brochure of information regarding the Endowment Campaign, click here.

For answers to Frequently Asked Questions, click here.

To learn more about the campaign email Kate Flanagan, Executive Director or call at 310-829-0566.