Kehillat Ma'arav

1715 21st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 / (310) 829-0566

Leil Shavuot & Torah Study

May 16, 2021, 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

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Sunday, May 16:
Shavuot Under the Stars @ 6pm
Let’s celebrate as a community at Virginia Park with festive acoustic music led by Cantor Sam Cohen, Josh Goldberg, Jordan Ross, and Brett Formonson. Bring your own picnic dinner (and masks!) and relax with us in the great outdoors.
Torah study @ 8pm
In tradition of Shavuot, we’ll have an extended Torah study session led by Rabbi Michael Gotlieb and Cantor Sam Cohen, in the KM Sanctuary. Limited seating, COVID-safe.
There is an ancient Aramaic prayer/poem recited only on Shavuot. CLICK HERE to watch a video of 18 SoCal cantors singing the entire prayer. KM’s Cantor Sam Cohen participates in the video!